Sunday, October 26, 2008

Journal to Me (5)

Dear Billy,

You know how many years I have had to listen to you complain? Do you know how many of my pages you wasted listing day after day all of your problems and irks? Well I am writing this letter to tell you, I quit!

I am fed up with the: "Mr George's AP class is to god dang hard." or "Damn I could have done so much better in todays game." Why don't you go cry to your mommy. The incessant whining and droning about how your life is so bad is driving me crazy. I mean is it really that hard to ask for one optimistic day. Why can't you alternate like every ninety ninth day you can be an opitimsitic person, out of the hundred pesstimistic days?

I don't know how your first journal lived through all of its 100 pages of your incessessant complaining. I keep on begging Pen to kill me somehow, like exploding or ripping into my pages. But he just laughs and says, "Sucks to be you." Everyday as I stare at your AP US History Book, I think to myself: "Damn why couldn't I have been that guy?"

I am done with this so I want to send this letter to you to formally tell you that I am resigning as your journal. And here some advice for you, don't get another notebook because he will probably break his binding after a day of listen to your ranting.

Your Ex-journal

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