Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Essential Question #4

Choice 2: Where do we see seduction and lust start to destroy Gawain, our young hero? What is the author trying to tell us?

Gawain would be a great hero, if it were not for his lustful desires. His susceptibility to lust is one of his worst weaknesses leading to him to make foolish and and inappropriate choices. He is so opt to take on seductive offers that it even has lead him to break the rules of a knight when he was seduced by the queen of his kind hosts. By being seduced, Gawain is holding himself from being a true knight and a true hero. Lust has also lead him to accept the seductive offer of the green knight, who can be considered a symbol of seduction and lust, which evidently could result in his death. This seems to be a metaphor and example of how easily he falls to enticing offers. It seems that the author is trying to tell us that we should not be hasty in making decisions and that we should instead be mindful of our decisions.

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